Friday, February 22, 2008

30 minutes multimedia tutorials on designing for usability (in Italian)

For the occasion of the publishing of our report on the quality of eGovernment in Switzerland (see details), I find worthwhile recalling that, in the context of a project aimed at raising the skills and the awareness on user-centered design in the Italian public administration, Lorenzo Cantoni and I have designed and developed 2 multimedia tutorials (requiring 30' study effort each), one on "designing for usability" and one on "evaluating usability", with specific examples for public administration website project managers, web masters and designers.
The tutorials are in italian and freely accessible:

>>> Designing for Usability

>>> Evaluating Usability

The tutorials frame usability and user experience design in the context of web communication and requirements understanding.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Davide,

Nice information, thanks it has been a lot useful for me
